Space Chair

I am playing catch-up with Photo-A-Day. I have missed: Chair,  Garden, and today's prompt, Lunch. Chair is an easy one for me because I have a Space Chair. I call it that after Eckart Tolle's idea of "space consciousness" which, if I understand it, means the act of becoming aware of what you are doing … Continue reading Space Chair


There's been this article circulating around on Twitter and Facebook the last few days called "The "Busy" Trap." Terrific piece. The author says that everyone is busy, even kids. But "busy" isn't something that happens to us, "busy" is a choice. And what is even more pernicious, this "busy-ness" business is a dodge. "Busy" is … Continue reading Busy

July 1st

How predictable am I? First day of a new month, filled with all kinds of resolves to do all manner of extraordinary things, but hey, YOU. NEVER. KNOW. I totally bonked on the Photo-a-day thing last month, so let's give this another go. Today's theme: Self-Portrait. Kill me now. Oh, how I hate taking pics … Continue reading July 1st